Jumat, 28 November 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 02.17 0 komentar

I am happy with my current course. I have a new friend and I ended up going to college. yahhh .. although not university I wanted.
but I'm still grateful that I was able to pass on the university.
before this, I had a lot of failure many times, so that makes me despair. because I have bestfriend who always supported me and they always remind my dreams.
I don't have to give up just because I did not pass at the university I wanted.
many things that make my spirits rose again, first I remember someone saying "nothing is impossible in this world" and I have to achieve my dream for this and all just a matter of time.

Anyway ... what do you know taiwan movie titled "The dolphin bay" ?
every time, I remember the movies and listen to songs that make me happy and make sense of my spirit back.
when I feel sad I always listen this song ost at the dolphin bay listen but you can try before you have to watch the movie.
You don't make failure a big stone in your life, but make it as a stepping stone and triggers to achieve what you dream for this. all need to fight hard after all the struggle you will be paid with good results !

Minggu, 07 September 2014

what is love ?

Diposting oleh Unknown di 11.42 0 komentar

What is really love it? 
A feeling shy and full of emotion
You're trying to control it
And stay without any motion. 

Sometimes the feeling you down 

But you have to get up
Without even be frowned 
Understand, you should never stop! 

If you always feel this sense 

It means you're madly in love
And to know that there's no offense
As long as pure and honest love!

                        # by : Kampeanu levente

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

My Little Best Friend,Come Back

Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.45 0 komentar

I have a friend who is so good to me, even my family is very close with her family .kevin is the man closest to me when I was sitting in 2 grade elementary school.
 ttteeetttttttt ......... school bell rang signaling hour lesson starts.

 "Heii morning all..." said chaca.
"Cha, do you have  homework"? Asked Rica
"Yes,I've been doing homework , why?"
"Hmmm ... may I can see it"? asked rika
Chaca hesitate to show his duty to Rika.
"Do not Cha"!!! a male voice with a loud voice, and it turns out that Kevin
Chaca friend. "Do not Cha You already tired for homework, ehh ... Rika
even live cheat  'said Kevin.
"Sorry ... rika, I can not see to you" with feeling sad Chaca forced not to show their homework
"Cha .... I want to talk something to you"
"What's that?" Chaca asked with curiosity.
 "But not here Cha later return us to the lake usual school where we met" explained Kevin
"Yes, all right" replied Chaca.

Hours ends school does Kevin and I went to the place where we usually meet and play there.
"Cha ..... tomorrow I will go from here and I'm going to move house, I can not accompany you again" with feeling sad and very disappointed by the decision of her parents Kevin was forced to come to Singapore with her parents because her father was assigned there.
"What?!! .. Moving house"??!!! With mixed feelings of shock and Chaca crying because he was very disappointed with this.
"Cha ... I promise one day I will look for you and will find you after I finished school there. when I reached 19 years old I would go back to Indonesia” Chaca Kevin held hands tightly as the last day they were to meet.
"Do not cry, I also cry because so follow to see you cry" Kevin spoke in a low voice.
"I do not want you to go, I just want you, I want us both to see the beautiful stars and rainbows" Chaca replied with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Do not cry, if you cry you will not be able to see how beautiful the stars and the rainbow" Kevin replied with a tear Chacah with his hands.
"I do not want to see the beauty of the stars and the rainbow because you're not on my side, I do not want to see it alone, it will not be beautiful anymore if without you" Chaca replied tearfully.
"I promise I'll be back, if you try to leave here sad because here you can bestow a sense of sad and happy you are, believe me, just believe all the dreams will come true” said Kevin with his words full of promise.
Kevin gives a black colored bracelet, to Chaca where there are two fused rings in each bracelet it. And they have same the bracelet.
"Well ... I believe in you”  Chaca replied while holding the bracelet giving Kevin.
I really do not believe he will lose, who knows when and where I will meet him.

* A few years later ............ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I just finished my school in high school in Bandung SMA BUNGA BANGASA.
I have not gone to the lake, where there are many memories of my childhood with my best friend and it occurred to me, to go there. see whether the lake was the same as before.
At the time of travel by a car in front of a black jazz Chaca it looks like the car from the direction of the lake. Chaca think how could anyone go to the beautiful lake?

he knows the lake was very quiet and only he and Kevin are playing there, but chaca not think too much about it. Arriving there Chaca sit and cry remembering all the memories with Kevin. where are you Kevin? I'm so looking forward to you, do you still remember me and your promise to me. Chaca asked in his heart. Chaca leaning on a tree located next to his seat, without him knowing it he read that there are scratches on the tree that says "ONLY BELIEVE, ALL DREAMS WILL COME TRUE”
Chaca shocked!! "Haa ...??!! These words, right????? Kevin?! Mean he's here? thank god you have given me clue” said in his heart.
he was still confused where Kevin Chaca feeling right now is, if Kevin here.
because the weather was overcast and it's going to rain heavy, Chaca think to go back home before the rain fell, a second later she was afraid her parents worried.
Chaca next day went to the lake again.  
2 hours Chaca in the lake crying and he planned to return to his home.

once on the way home, there was a motorcycle fast and almost hit chaca, but fortunately there was a man who helped her and hysterical Chaca not believe that it is not the men in the rescue, maybe who knows what will happen with him.
"Are you okay?” Ask the man's eyes staring Chaca
"Hmmm .... I am ok, thanks you've helped me" Chaca replied with a calm heart, she tried to stand up from the arms of the man, and without deliberately Chaca see a bracelet in the man's hand, in a bracelet that contained 2 fused ring. "bracelet that?” Ask chaca in his heart with mixed feelings.
he seems to have seen the bracelet, and the bracelet was reminded by someone.
"What we met before?” Tanya Chaca
"What do you mean? I've never met you before, but why can you ask that?” replied the man with curiosity.
"Hmmm ....... bracelet, the bracelet is in your hand?”
"Ohh .. this bracelet, hmm ... this bracelet is very important to me, this is a sign of my friendship with my best friend who is here”.
"Are you also from the lake?”
"yes,I was from there. Why?”
Chaca tried removing the bracelet is the same as that of her bag and clutching the bracelet.
"Kevin ............ hmm???? yeah ..... what you Kevin? that I've been waiting for?”Ask chaca to him with teary eyes.
"Haa????????how do you know my name ?? what you? have not had time he continued his words, suddenly shows Direct Chaca bracelet that he had before him.
"Chaca??!!! Do you Chaca?!!” Ask Kevin surprised and still can not believe he arrange a meeting with them in this way.
"Im Chaca iyahhhh... your little friend who is always waiting for your presence again with the promise that once you promised me!! Kevinnn ...... finally you keep your promise, I'm very happy and now I can see the beauty of the stars and the rainbow berasama you” Chaca crying, but she was crying not because she was sad or disappointed, but cries of joy which he felt now.
"Cha .. I've kept my promise to you, that I will come back and find you back in my life, yeah .. you are right we will see with the beauty of the stars and the rainbow”.

"Thank god .... finally my little friend back and I really do not believe in such a way to arrange a meeting with this” Chaca said in his heart.

And they hugged each other and live together again and now Chaca not lonely anymore because his little friend is back.


                                                        THE END 

Selasa, 07 Januari 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 02.19 0 komentar
Kali ini aku bakalan cerita tentang pengalaman aku sendiri .
akhir tahun 2013 aku pergi holiday sama mama dan adek aku . ini pertama kalinya aku pergi jalan-jalan ke luar negri dan itu gag hanya satu negara aja tapi 3 negara yang aku kunjungi hehehe :D  



pertama kalinya kita mengujungi kuala lumpur, wahhh....disana suasanya bagus banget , negaranya rapi, bersih gag ada sampah sama sekali beda jauh dari indonsia. nah, bagi yg mau kuliah disana di sediakan seperti rumah susun dan harganyapun gag mahal gag seperti indonesia. Bukan aku maksud bandingin sama negara kita sech Cuma emang itu kenyataannya negaranya lebih maju dari kita dan orang-orangnyapun sanga di siplin makanya gag heran kalau orang asing ke negara kita serasa surga bagi mereka karena bebas lihat aja kalau di luar negri buang sampah aja denda sekian dolar kalau indonesia hufff bodo amat. Sorenya aku pergi ke genting highland  aku pikir  tempatnya gak jauh ternyata jauhhhh bangettt dan itu di atas gunung yang sangat tinggi sampai di tempat parkiran aku naik  "SKY WAY Cable Cars" atau biasa di sebut kereta gantung di genting ,gilaaa....rasanya jauh beda !! tingi sekali !! kereta  ini menanjak ke gunung dan bukit namun panoramanya sangat indah.kita dapat melihat indahnya pemandangan dari atas sana pepohonan dan hutan yang sepertinya di rawat denga baik. Aku serasa berada di negri dongeng aku gag percaya bisa berada di atas sana yang di hiasi oeh awan putih dan udara di sana sangat dingin sekali,nyampe di genting aku menuju ke  outdoor Genting Highlands. Disana banyak wahana permainan seperti dufan . aku melihat beberapa pertunjukan seperti atraksi seperti permainan sulap. ketika aku berada di dalamnya aku merasa di dunia dongeng . kami masuk ke wahana permainan indoor. Di sana terdapat miniatur Menara Eifel ala Genting Highlands, patung Liberty, patung budha seperti yang ada di Batu Cave, dan permainan anak-anak lainnya (Ferris Wheel, Rio Float dan Reindeer Cruise, Junior Bumper Car, dll). Ada pula bioskop yang bernama First World Cineplex, wahana permainan Ripley’s Believe It or Not, beberapa toko baju, dan tentunya restoran dari yang namanya asing hingga yang sudah saya sering dengar (Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King). 
keesokan harinya aku sama mama dan adek naik monorel gilaaa stasiunya rame banget udah ngerasa kayak di hongkong guenyaa , rata2 orang cina sama orang bule aja, mereka jalanya gag ada yg pelan ,gag ada yg santai bnyak yg terburu2 yah...bagi mereka tu gag ada waktu santai, bagi mereka “time is money “ begitulah negara malaysia nah ketika gue di dalam monorel semua tempat duduk udah di isi sama orang lain jadi gue terpaksa deh berdiri,tapi bagian lak-laki mereka bakalan berdiri kalau ngelihat cewek berdiri dan dia bakalan ngasih tempat duduknya untuk cewek yg berdiri nah waktu gue lagi berdiri ada cow yg hampirin gue sambil bilang “  sit down here, please”  dan gue jawab “no, thanks I just wanted to stand” hhahhaa aduh sopan banget rata2 kayak gitu semua laki-lakinya ,jadi salut gue :D  setelah itu aku cek in hotel dan malamnya aku pergi jalan santai ke pasar malamnya dan paginya aku lanjut mengunjungi wisata lainnya seperti sungai wang , istana negara,twin towers ,pabrik coklat ,mall dan terakhir pabrik jam .


Welcome thailand ^_^ rasanya gag sabar banget ke tempat2 wisata di thailand.
nah sekarang gue udah sampai di thailand khusunya di daerah hatyai tapi untung sech gue gag jadi ke bangkok karena disana lagi ada bom kotanya lagi gak aman.
hmm gimana yah kotanya  lumayan bersih yahh hampir sama kayak kota padang . tapi yang lucunya nich yah...rata2 motornya tu pake keranjang gitu hahahah dan motor mereka kebanyak kayak scupy atau kayak vario tapi kalau disana bukan vario namanya melainkan klik namanya. Dan transportasi seperti angkot tu gag ada disana yang ada kaya andong gitu dan kalian tau gak mereka tu kebanyak bonceng 3 di motor dan gak pa2 ,gak bakalan di tilang asalkan yang di depanya pake helm karna jam 5 sore polisi gak ada kalau udah malam lewat dari jam 7 baru deh polisinya beraksi hahhaha .
pertama kita mengujungi salah satu tempat perbelanjaan di thailand seperti tas branded, jam tangan dan semuana lengkap disana .harga barang disana rata2 sekitar 350 baht kira-kira kalau di indonesia 140ribu :D lumayan yahh, disana aku juga beli beberapa tas,baju,and souvenir khas thailand lainnya.
habis dari sana kita lanjut ke sleeping budha seperti yg di foto aku itu . budhanya sangat besar jadi gag heran kalau kesana di larang berisik agar budhanya gak kebangun hahhhaha , itu sebenarnya gak benar koq aku Cuma becanda. Aku habisin waktu seharian untuk foto2 disana dan aku ketemu dengan orang india yang berasal dari malaysia dia minta foto bareng aku katanya “can I take a picture with u ?” dan aku “of course” dan aku foto bareng mereka.  Habis dari sana kita lanjut ke pasar malam di thailand dan lumayan dekat dari tempat hotel penginapanku . jika di pasar malamnya rata2 bajunya skitar 20 baht  kalau di jadiin rupiah jadi 80.000 rupiah. Habis berlanja di sana aku berencana balik ke malaysia dan lnjut ke johur untuk menuju singapore. Karna sampai di johor udam malam aku berencana untuk nginap semalam disana, johor ada perbatasan antara malaysia dengan singapore .
morning johor ^_^ kota yang sangat sejuk bersih dan di hiasi dengan pantai yang indah , langit biru yang melintang di atas awan ,pepohonan yang hijau berderet di tepi pantai yang di penuhi oleh burung gagak ohhh...indanya kapan yah indonesia serapi negara ini ? hahhaa it’s time to breakfast and next otw singapore >>>....


nyampe di singapore kita langsung cek in  dan itu gag gampang ribet dan trlalu bnyak cek in nya . masuk ke negaranya aja gag boleh ada sampah satupun di tas kita dan  semuanya di priksa termasuk tubuh kita. Nah waktu giliran gue di panggil ke dalam kantornya gue di suruh untuk berdiri di sebuah mesin pemeriksa karena mereka ingin memastikan tubuh kita bebas dari narkoba dan mereka juga gak ingin orang mabuk ataupun orang yang memakai narkoba masuk ke dalam negaranya. Jika itu ketahuan dia bakalakan di tahan untuk beberapa hari di sana. Habis itu saya lanjut  cek in paspor dan disana juga tas dan koper kita akan di periksa oleh petugasnya jika ada yang mencurigakan.
dan waktu gue mau angkat koper ke tempat pemeriksaan barang gue gak sanggu angkatnya karna tangan gue lagi sakit jadi kebetulan ada bule berdiri di depan gue dan dia bilang “can I hepl”  hahhah untung tu ada bule kalau gak gue gak tau deh mau minta tolong sama siapa :D

Nah sampai di singapore kita pertama kali mengujungi  Patung Merlion dan Esplanade disana aku menyempatkan diri untuk berfoto dengan adek dan mama hehe. Banyak sekali orang-orang wisata yang datang kesini untuk berfoto untuk bisa di abadikannya sebagai kenang-kenangan dan juga dapat menjadi bukti bahwa sudah pernah ke Singapura. Dari sana juga terlihat hotel Marina Bay Sands  yaitu hotel yang berbentuk kapal di atasnya .
habis dari sana kita lanjut ke Universal Studios Singapura aku juga berfoto2 disana selanjutanya aku meuju ke Little India / Mustafa Jalannya yang beraromakan rempah-rempah dapat mengundang Anda menuju area yang memiliki perhiasan etnik yang melimpah, rangkaian melati, dan juga sari sutra. Tekka Centre dan Little India Arcade yang besar sampai toko kelontong kecil ada di kawasan ini, Little India ini penuh dengan berbagai macam benda yang menarik untuk ditemukan.  Aku juga membeli beberapa asesorise :D habis dari sana kami lanjut menuju ke batam dan menginap disana paginya aku,mama dan adek shopping di Nagoya Hill disana lengkap berbagai kebutuhan yang di jualnya dan selanjutnya kita menuju ke bandara untuk kembali ke kota padang J nah sekian dulu cerita aku , dan aku harap bermanfaat bagi kalian semuanya.


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